30 Nov Brody D.
Brody is a 5 year old boy living with autism and severe delays in language and speech.
Body lives in Winnipeg with his parents, 2 sisters and brother and began kindergarten this September. Since beginning kindergarten, Brody has had the opportunity to try one of his school’s iPads to support his communication needs. Since that time, he has had success attending to the iPad and using the visual schedule for support. With support, he has also used the Proloquo2Go app to support and extend his communication skills.
Given the excellent progress Brody has made in such a short period of time utilizing the IPad it was recommend by school support personnel working with Brody that a device of his own would be extremely beneficial. He would be able to use an iPad with the Prologquo2Go app to communicate at home, at school and in the community.
Along with attending two 30 minute speech and language sessions per week, which Variety has also assisted in funding, Brody now has his own iPad, giving him the ability for consistency while he is learning to communicate and develop language. It will be his way of telling his family what he needs and wants.
With funding assistance from Variety for one-on-one speech and language services and an essential communication device (iPad) Brody has all the necessary tools in place to become more verbal.