30 Nov Madisyn
Madisyn is 12 years old and lives with her family in Thompson. She loves listening to music and playing with light up toys!
Madisyn is living with cerebral palsy, severe global developmental delays, visual impairment, seizure disorder and is tube-fed. Madisyn often has to meet with numerous specialists in Winnipeg regarding her development, which is nearly 800kms away.
For years her family has been transporting her in their 2010 van that was modified for wheelchair access to meet Madisyn’s needs.
But recently, the van has been having an increasing number of mechanical repairs. The air conditioning is broken, the main evaporation unit required replacement and the significant snow Thompson receives was continually creating issues for the low riding van.
With Madisyn’s condition, not having a wheelchair accessible vehicle is not an option; it is the only way to transport Madisyn in her home community and to specialists.
Madisyn’s family reached out to Variety’s Special Needs Program and we were so happy to be able to cover a portion of the cost related to a brand new wheelchair accessible van.
Now, Madisyn’s family can enjoy spending time all together, attend events in their community and safely travel to Winnipeg for medical appointments.