24 Oct Mason & Luc
Mason was 18 months old when he was officially diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy and ever since his family have been looking for programs that would help him not only in his mobility but also to have him interact with other children that are similar. He is now 4 years old and his family said it has been a struggle finding resources that help Mason with his mobility and therapy. Currently, he receives Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy once a month, which is more guidance on what to work on rather than a regular full therapy session. His mom found out earlier this year of a place that provides regular programming for children living with cerebral palsy and she was very excited.
Luc was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy last summer and is also now 4 years old. His parents were looking for different therapy options for similar reasons to Mason’s family, so that Luc could work on becoming more independent and interact with other children working towards the same goals as him.
Through Variety’s Special Needs Program, both Luc and Mason have been able to attend Conductive Education Classes at The Movement Centre of Manitoba. These classes are having a tremendously positive impact on the boy’s strength, movement, balance, and coordination. These sessions have also allowed Luc and Mason to develop an amazing friendship with each other and we couldn’t be happier to have helped fund their family’s requests for support.