25 Oct Sierra
Sierra is a very mature 6 year old girl, who has a great understanding of why she has hearing aids and what they can do for her. To help further develop Sierra’s ability to communicate with her parents and younger brother, her family was very passionate about learning American Sign Language. The Society for Manitobans with Disabilities offers an amazing program every summer called ASL Immersion. This is an intensive one week training program that immerses learners in ASL and Deaf Culture. There is also a program for kids that runs at the same time called Fun & Sign. Variety was so happy to help Sierra and her family attend this program in July. Sierra had the opportunity to get to know other children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing from across the province which is so important for her development and sense of self. Her mom sent us a wonderful note letting us know how life-changing the experience had been for the whole family.